Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Using Quizlet in the classroom

With all of the emerging technology tools available to teachers these days, sometimes it is hard to decide what tool would best fit your classroom needs. A tool that I would like to use more in my classroom this year is Quizlet. Why? Let's face it.... kids lack study skills. Plain and simple.  Quizlet is a tool that is accessible on any device that allows students to study flashcards. Teachers can create an account for free to create their own flashcards.  Even better, teachers can search a database to find the specific topic or terms they are in need of and just provide students with the link. If students are given a chance to learn important keywords, vocabulary skills, or terms, they will better understand the text. So why not allow them to practice their study skills, so they can become better readers?

Now, how can I use Quizlet in a 5th grade classroom? As a social studies teacher, it is important for students to know a variety of important figures, events, and dates. I can simply create flashcards for each topic as a study tool for my students. My students can study for their assessment on their phones, iPads, or computers from any place as long as they have the link.  As an English language arts teacher, Quizlet can be used to practice vocabulary words before or after text, for a quiz, or just general practice.

How does this tool help a diverse set of learners? Quizlet is not just flashcards; it offers more ways to study than just that. Quizlet will pronounce the word and definition for students. It allows students to practice their content by playing two different games. The tool has a practice test for students to take in order to see what they need to study. Also, it even has a page where it will read the definition to the students, and they have to type in the correct word. Quizlet offers a variety of ways to study.

Scatter game

Teachers can assess the effectiveness of this tool by simply trying it in their classrooms. Give a test without letting students study on Quizlet beforehand, and give a test after students have studied using Quizlet. Compare the results of the tests, and I'm sure you will see that test scores are better after allowing students to study on Quizlet. Or, just let you students study for your test in class. You will be amazed at how engaged they are with Quizlet and the variety of study options it offers. 

If you do not give students the opportunity to practice their study skills, they will never improve. If they cannot recognize or understand a word, they will not understand the text. Show them a tool they can use to become better readers because they know they have a place they can practice vocabulary. Quizlet is a tool that will help them learn how to study whether it is with flashcards or practice tests. It is definitely a tool I cannot wait to use next year, and I hope you give it a try in your own classroom.   


  1. I am always looking for new ways for my students to study before a test. I usually send home a one page study guide the night before a test, but I'm not sure how much gets done with this worksheet. Students love technology. Quizlet sounds like something I would like to try out this year. Vocabulary flashcards would make a big difference with my 2nd Graders. My students always need practice in this area. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Quizlet sounds like a great tool to help our students study. I think giving them the option to study from home reinforces how important it is to study school work outside of the school setting. Younger students don't always seem to think there is a need to study for an upcoming test. I might have to try Quizlet next year in my math classroom to study math terms. I always have students mix up the terms 'factor' and 'multiple' so this would be great if it could help them distinguish the difference. Kahoot is also a great online quiz tool for whole group. My students loved it last year when I started using it in the classroom.

  3. I want to use it!!! I love that the students can play games with the content you uploaded. I use Fundations, a phonics program, in my classroom and this would be an outstanding way for my students to practice. I am thinking that our words of the day and trick words would be a great start. Would it be easy to update weekly and keep old content so students are always cycling back to words we have already learned? Thank you for sharing!

    1. You can create your own account/profile and upload your own terms. Students could then search for you, or you could always start the title of the terms the same way. For example - Rapp vocab set 1, Rapp vocab set 2......

  4. I have been playing around with Quizlet a little bit lately, and I love the study feature of it as well! It makes studying a little more fun. I love the flashcards. I'm thinking about using it for solving equations, combining like terms, etc. Very useful for math as well, which I love.
