Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Classroom Website

Take a minute and think back to a classroom website you remember in high school. What was on it? What was its purpose? How often did you visit the website? Was it used as a communication tool?
More than likely, the classroom website you are thinking about was a very basic page that contained contact information for your teacher. In this day and age, a classroom website is a very important tool that can be used for a variety of different purposes.
I have a classroom webpage on my school district's website. It contains my contact information and a link to my actual classroom website. My district encourages teachers to use a tool called MyBigCampus. MyBigCampus has a variety of features that allow me to use my webpage for more than just contact information. On my page, students can click on "buttons" that will take them to different things such as the schedule, the class newsletter, and Study Island. In addition, I am currently working on creating bundles of resources that students can use outside of class. Each unit will have a bundle where students can access notes, worksheets, videos, and practice games. To access the bundle, students just have to click on the button of their choice.  I can also post announcements that will show up in the students' newsfeed. I did this for AR reminders and tests.
 A view of my webpage on MyBigCampus
Last year, I used the discussion board feature on a weekly basis for discussions and to share projects. I felt like my students loved interacting with each other on the discussion board, and I was surprised by the amount they typed in their responses. I am hoping to use this feature again this year, but I'm not sure how it will go over with my 5th graders. (fingers crossed!)
Parents have access to my page, so they can view announcements, resources, and discussions. When I create a bundle, I can share it with other teachers. I have been working on creating bundles for each chapter of Social Studies, and I am sharing those with the other new 5th grade teachers. Last year, I helped created a 7th grade ELA page where we mapped out our curriculum and put all resources in a bundle for everyone to use.

Students will click on buttons for access to chapter bundles

Now, the gap in my page is actually getting students and parents to use my page outside of school. For this next school year, I want to get my students in a routine of checking MyBigCampus for resources and reminders. At open house, I am going to give parents a link to the page, and let them know how useful it can be to not only the students but them. I want students and parents to use this tool at home because I have provided copies of notes and additional practice resources.
Do you have any advice or tips?


  1. Hey Ashley! Your website looks great and it sounds like the resources available through MyBigCampus help immensely. Also, through the use of Web 2.0, traditional website are now available to be more interactive between students and teachers. I remember the first website I created... it was basically just used for information purposes. I think it is a great idea to give parents a link to your website at the beginning of the school year, this is a very proactive approach to getting your parents more involved! Good Luck!

  2. Oh, your 5th graders will be capable!! High expectations will give you HIGH results!! I see you too want people to look at your website outside of class... I am going to add a Blog feature to my website this coming year- I am hoping that I will get comments and be able to see more "traffic" on my page! Good luck!
