Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Twitter for Teachers

Teachers should use Twitter as a PLN because it offers millions of resources that available with a simple click. Teachers can use Twitter to find information and articles on educational technology, curriculum, and many other education topics. In addition, Twitter allows teachers to share and collaborate ideas with others from around the world. All you have to do is follow people who want to collaborate with. Teachers can have chats or conversations with anyone on Twitter. They can even participate in educational driven chats where they can ask other professionals for advice. Teachers can use Twitter in the classroom to help their students share ideas. For example, students could share articles with each during a group research project. Twitter can be used a communication tool with parents and students as well. Teachers can post the assignment for the day on Twitter, so the student knows what he or she missed. The ideas for Twitter in the classroom are endless! For more ideas read "Can Twitter Help Your Teaching?"

I must say that I am currently addicted to Twitter. I am constantly on it when I have free time. When I'm feeding Beckett in the middle of the night, I am on Twitter. I just can't get enough! Before this week, I didn't fully understand the endless possibilities that Twitter presents to users. I am currently following a lot of technology driven users as well as other educators. I am already getting so many new ideas that I want to incorporate into my classroom next year! Plus, I am slowly shedding my "stalker" vibe by sharing information with other teachers. Now, I'm still not a Twitter expert. I'm not completely comfortable with the idea of using different hash tags (#), but I know that I will feel better the more I use Twitter. My advice to other educators is to check Twitter out. Give it a chance. You will be surprised with how easy it is to use and the amount of information available. 


  1. I haven't really had time to dive into Twitter yet, but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it. I still find myself in the "stalker" phase that you mentioned. I'm in the same boat with the hashtags. I'm still not too sure how to us them but it's a work in progress. I like the idea of chat sessions with others. I'm also compiling a list of technology driven people to follow, especially with the direction our schools are headed.

  2. Ashley, I want to thank you for the websites that you shared about twitter for education, they are wonderful. I myself am trying to become more comfortable with using twitter. One contact that I found on twitter is coolcatteacher. You may find some good information there. I am like you and Andrea, I am still becoming more familiar and comfortable with twitter. I am excited about the idea of finding more and more information that is available on twitter. The idea of being able to receive instant information is to me is facinating. To be able to have this information available for my students is exciting.
