Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Digital Storytelling and the Writing Process

The writing process consists of generally five to six steps. The writing process can be used for a variety of writing assignments. Whether it is a story, opinion piece, or compare/contrast essay, the writing process can be used to help students be successful.

The Writing Process
I have been creating a digital story for the past two weeks now. I have brainstormed ideas using a mind map, drafted a script, had a classmate edit my script, and made revisions to my script based on the peer edit. Even though I am creating a digital story, I am still writing and using all steps of the writing process.  My next step is to put my script into a storyboard. This will allow me to make revisions and edits once again.
I am creating a digital story that I will use as an example for an assignment I will be having my fifth graders complete this year. Click here to view the assignment details. After working on creating the example I will show students, I know that there are several things I will need to fix. To better guide my students, I need to have a script with a beginning, middle, and end. I need to make sure I have a set number of region characteristics that students must include. I am definitely going to have to slow it down and take it step by step with my students. For example, one day might just consist of working on one box of the storyboard. This project will allow students to show their creativity and imagination. I am sure that I will see a variety of different stories when I complete this assignment with my students. To conclude, I know that if I make these simple changes and adjust to the needs of my students, this will be a meaningful and fun project!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you are actually making the same video assignment your students will be making. I think that clearly shows the students what you are expecting of them. They can also refer back to your video for reassurance. It's crucial that you include everything you expect of them, maybe more.
