Saturday, August 16, 2014

Technology to Enhance Literacy Reflection

Wow! This past eight weeks has flown by, and I cannot believe we are already back to school for the year. I really enjoyed this class and the assignments.

My goal for this school year it to continue to blog about my classroom and my experiences. I would much rather blog than use a discussion board. I take pride in my blog. I want it to look professional and presentable. It is open to the whole world. That is very different from a class discussion board that will never be seen again after eight weeks. These are the reasons why I want to have my fifth graders blog this year. I want them to take pride in their blog. I want them to want to make it look good. I want them to understand that others will see it on a regular basis. Most importantly, I want to prepare them to be successful adults in this digital age.

In addition, I cannot wait to have my students complete the digital storytelling project I created. I think students will really enjoy it because it very different than anything we have ever done. Stay tuned to my blog because I will post some student stories!

Lastly, I like the idea of the infographic, but I'm not sure if I have a program easy enough for students to use just yet. I did not like the program that I used to create mine. I would love to incorporate it into my history class somehow this year, so if you come across a good program, please let me know!

This was a great class, and I came away with a lot of knowledge and activities that I will be implementing into my classroom for years to come.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I created my infographic over Pocahontas. I did a timeline of important events in her life. Many people do not know a lot about her, and the only thing they learned is from the Disney movie. I created the infographic to share with my students when we talk about Native Americans.

Click here to view.